Lapidus London

Summer Challenge 2019

We're taking a break from our regular meetings over the summer, so we challenge you to give these writing for wellbeing activities a go instead!

It's holiday season so we're taking that literally.

There's no need to travel into the Poetry Cafe. From the comfort of your home or your beach or poolside location you can have a dalliance with words for wellbeing.

If you fancy it...

Say cheese

Look through your old holiday snaps. Choose a photo (or two - your time).

For 2 minutes describe what you SEE.

For 2 minutes describe what you FEEL as you look at the picture.

For 8 minutes write the story the picture is telling. You don't need to remember what was happening as the picture was taken. What story is it telling you today.

Summer read

Browse through the book section in a charity store (so some sort of selection has already taken place). Find the book with the whackiest title and use this as a prompt for a spot of free-writing (take a picture of the cover and share with Lapidus members).

Here's a selection to get you started...

Send a postcard

Make someone's day and send them a postcard. A vacation can be a state of mind. You don't have to be away to write a postcard. Pick one up at a museum, bookstore, gallery. And write what you like to whoever you like. Just remember to post it!

If you'd like to share any of the summer challenge writing that you do then please send it to Kate via lapiduslondon @ with the words 'Summer Challenge' in the subject line and she will post it here on the Lapidus London website.

Many thanks to Marie-Therese for creating this summer challenge for us.

See you in the Autumn!

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